Business / Organizational Skills
Does a great job with the written word and is always clear, concise and accurate.
Will focus on key priorities, easily jumps from one task to another while not losing perspective. Extremely detail oriented and thinks through problems prior to initiating a resolution.
Keith spends his time in an efficient manner, will think through problems and prototype prior to committing to actual code. Once committed to code, most always gets it right the first time.
Problem Solving
This is one of Keith's real strengths, if there is an obstacle, he will exhaust every possible avenue for the solution.
Technical Skills
Knowledge of Work
Without question, Keith is our most gifted developer. Understands the software and the hardware end of our business as well as keeping current with technology trends.
Quality of Work
A real strength, when work is performed by Keith, there is never a question as to its workability. Does an excellent job of prototyping prior to committing code to active projects.
Computer Skills
A corporate resource for all things computer related.
Customer Relations Skills
Customer Focus
Truly has the customer's best interest in mind at all times. Will freely listen to and deal with customer issues. Keith is an advocate for driving customer friendly products.
There is little that will rattle Keith. Always puts emotions aside when dealing with pressure cooker situations. Actually at his best when the pressure is the greatest.
Leadership Skills
Keith is constantly seeking newer and better ways to improve products and processes. Makes valuable suggestions for efficient solutions.
If there is a better way of doing something, Keith will find it.
Keith is driven to learn new things. Does an incredible amount of research through a variety of outlets. Shares that knowledge with those around him.
Keith cares for those around him as well as company property.
Keith possesses a high degree of integrity and is well respected by his co-workers.